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Use IntelliWarp TM to create Entities and load their bootstrap data all from Excel files.

Creating Entities and Bootstrapping Their Data

Make sure your Excel file is in the following format:

Select the Entities from Excel... option in the Import menu.

The Entities are created from the Excel file.

The following elements are designed for you:

      • One Entity per sheet is created using the sheet name;

      • Entity Attributes are created from the text in the column headers;

      • Entity records are loaded from the data found in sheet rows and prepared to be bootstrapped into the database when the entity is Published .

What Can You Do Next?

Change the patterns created by IntelliWarp TM as, for example, the data types of the entity attributes.

Design screen patterns for the entity with IntelliWarp TM :

See Also

About IntelliWarp | Creating Entities from an Excel File