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In a multi-developer environment, developers have different copies (versions) of the same eSpace . These are obtained through download, save as ..., clone or simply by duplicating the oml file. In Service Studio, the Merge operation will allow them to integrate their work.

You can also use the merge operation to copy specific data and logic that is implemented in a different eSpace. The Merge operation will copy elements from one eSpace to another, creating them in the destination eSpace.

How to Merge eSpaces:

  1. Open the destination - Local - eSpace and select Compare and Merge... from the eSpace menu or from the Toolbar.

  1. A pop up window asks you to save changes prior to merging. If you have been working on the Local eSpace prior to this, answer Yes .

  1. Select the oml file of the eSpace from which you want to copy/merge elements - Foreign .

  1. Analyze the differences presented in the Differences to Merge window and, in the Foreign eSpace tree , check the checkbox of any elements that you want to copy/merge.

  1. Inspect the expected merge results in the Local eSpace Tree .

  1. When you're ready, click Merge .

During the merge, Service Studio resolves any name clashing that might occur. For example, each eSpace has an action with the same name, that is not the same element: MyAction. After the merge, a new local action will exist called MyAction x, where x is an integer.

  1. Fix any problems that might have arisen as a consequence of the TrueChange TM .

If you want to use another eSpace functionality without copying it into your eSpace, consider adding it as an eSpace reference .

See Also

Differences to Merge Window | Add an eSpace Reference | About Multilingual eSpaces