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You can customize some of OutSystems Platform IDE behaviors in the Preferences option, under the Edit menu.

Environment Connection



Default value

Short Operations Timeout

The maximum time to wait for one of the following operations:

  • Login;
  • Get deployed application and module versions;
  • Debugging operations;
  • Get tenants;
  • Get user provider modules.

60 seconds

Long Operations Timeout

The maximum time to wait for one of the following operations:

  • Run or 1-Click Publish the module;
  • Add and remove dependencies;
  • Test a SQL statement;
  • Download and upload a module.

600 seconds

Connect to the Last Environment at Startup

Automatically connect and login to the last environment you were connected to.


Use Proxy Authentication

Connect to the environment using a proxy that requires authentication.


Use One Connection Per Request in Debugger

For each debugger action (step over, step into, ...) use a new connection to the environment.
This makes debugging sessions more stable when  debugging over networks that unexpectedly close connections between  the IDE and the environment. Since a new connection is made for each action,  the debugger might feel a bit slower.


Test Query



Default value

Returned Rows Limit

The maximum number of records to retrieve when testing your SQL queries.


Online Help



Default value

Use Online Help when Connected

When connected to the internet, use the documentation available online.
