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When developing your applications, you can reference elements defined in another modules. This allows you to reuse functionality that is already implemented.

When a module references another, it can use all its public elements, but cannot change their definition. To create a reference to another module, use the Add/Remove References Window .

Referable Elements

The following elements can be added as references:

Exposing Functionality for Reuse

To make elements reusable by other modules, you need to set those elements as public:

  1. Elements implemented in Extension module , are public: they can always be reused by other modules.

Using Functionality from Other Modules

Once you create a reference to a module, you can use its elements just if they were defined in your eSpace module.

In a Single Sign-On scenario there is only one session and there are some relevant differences, namely, the session variables behavior.

See Also

Reuse eSpace Elements | Add/Remove References Window