Applies to: OutSystems Platform and onwards.

When developing an application integrated with SAP, you define a default connection. However, you can configure specific connections to SAP in environments, which override the default one. This allows your application to use specific SAP systems in certain environments, without having to change or republish the module.

The steps to configure a SAP connection in an environment are the following:

  1. Open the application in the environment management console;
  2. Under the 'Integrations' tab, click on the SAP connection to edit it;
  3. Configure the SAP connection and press 'Apply'.


In this example, we have the newly created 'OrderManager' application that is developed, tested, and deployed to production. In Development and QA environments we used an SAP system available for the effect, but in Production we want the application to use the production SAP.

To achieve this goal, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the infrastructure management console, select the 'OrderManager' application, and open the environment management console for it in Production;
  2. Open the 'SAP Customers' module, select the 'Integrations' tab, and click on the SAP connection name;
  3. Configure the SAP connection to point to the production SAP system and click 'Apply'.

The 'SAPCustomers' module will start using the SAP system with production data when running in the Production environment.

See Also

SAP Connection