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There are situations in which you want to segment your data into groups, and then work on each group, instead of the whole data.

An example is when you want to know how many orders have been placed in each city, instead of the total number of orders placed.

To segment your data into groups, click on the column for which you want to create the groups, and choose 'Group by <column name>'.

You can then apply filters , sort , or use aggregate functions for each group.

Counting Orders per Client

To find the number of Orders for customer:

  1. Drag the Order entity into your aggregate;
  2. On the Client Name column, click and choose 'Group By Name'. Orders of the same client are now grouped together;
  3. Click on to reveal the Id column that was hidden;
  4. On the Id column, click and choose 'Count'. You now have the number of orders placed by each client.

After using a Group By, only those fields will be part of the output of the aggregate by which you grouped. If you afterwards use an Aggregate Function, the development environment will add the aggregated column to the output. The rest of the fields will be still visible in the aggregate, but you won’t be able to reference them when using the aggregate results.

Filter Which Groups Are Displayed

After grouping data, you can narrow down the result by filtering out groups with lower importance.

To do this:

  1. In the aggregate, click on 'Filters';
  2. Click 'Add Group Filter';
  3. Type the condition on which a group should appear in the result. Note that from the aggregate's fields you can use only those that are already part of the aggregate result: grouped fields and aggregated values.


To narrow down the list of the above example to the returning customers only, follow these steps:

  1. In the aggregate click Filters;
  2. Choose 'Add Group Filter';
  3. Type Count > 1

See Also

Create a Calculated Column | Aggregate a Column into a Single Value