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Creates a new platform role or updates a platform role that already exists.

Input parameters

Authentication : WebServiceSimpleAuthentication Record type.
The authentication required to use this API. Specify a valid platform username and password, or use the AuthenticationService API to acquire a session token.

RoleName : Text type.
The name of the platform role. If this role does not exist in the platform it is created, otherwise it is updated.

CanConfigureInfrastructure : Boolean type.
Specifies whether the role has permissions to configure the infrastructure.

RoleDescription : Text type.
The description for the role.

Output parameters

Success : Boolean type.
True if the method was successful, False otherwise.

Status : APIStatus Record type.
The status of invoking this API action. In case of error, contains the error code and human-readable error messages.

PlatformRole : PlatformRole Record type.
The description for the role.

See Also

Overview of LifeTime Services API | Authentication_GetToken Action