Platform Server - 10.0.1020.0

Published on 2020-01-20 19:35:06
This version is no longer available for download


  • Compatible with Platform Server release 10, versions or later
  • Compatible with Development Environment 10, versions or later
Additional Resources For further information on any issues, please contact Product Support.

NOTICE: OutSystems does not give support to any undesirable behavior you may experience due to the use or manipulation of undocumented components of the OutSystems platform, such as, internal JavaScript, RuntimePlatform library, database system meta-model, components in installation directories, etc.
Release Notes

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed an error that showed when using the Rich Widgets Pop-Up pattern with the List Bulk Select widget, where a link/button triggered a pop-up and had the link/button associated with the List Bulk Select widget. (RTAF-2062)
  • Fixed the multiple executions of Screen Preparation Action that occurred when you used Rich Widgets File Upload in the Screen. (RTAF-2064)

Known Issues

  • In Screens or Blocks with a nested Popup_Editor Rich Widget, the onclick event handlers of its parents can be triggered during the screen rendering, leading to unexpected runtime behavior.