Development Environment - 10.0.502.0

Published on 2017-05-24 18:35:09
51.37 MB


  • Compatible with Platform Server release 10, versions or later
Additional Resources For further information on any issues, please contact Product Support.

NOTICE: OutSystems does not give support to any undesirable behavior you may experience due to the use or manipulation of undocumented components of the OutSystems platform, such as, internal JavaScript, RuntimePlatform library, database system meta-model, components in installation directories, etc.
Release Notes

New in Development Environment 10.0.502.0

  • Added support for Unicode characters in application names. (RPD-1600)
  • Revamped the icons for Find Usages, Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete. (RPDT-390)
  • Revamped the icons for the Debugger. (RPDT-333)
  • Added the ability to copy client actions to server actions and vice-versa. (RPD-883)
  • Added the ability to refresh preview data in aggregates by pressing "Shift+F5" on an Aggregate View. (RPD-1494)
  • Added usability improvements and small tweaks to the tutorials. (RPDT-446)
  • Improved the label alignment in the screen and flow toolbox. (RPDT-316)
  • "Convert to Autocomplete" now correctly generates a save Action when using Long Integer identifiers. (RSWT-45)

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed memory consumption while upgrading eSpaces with extremely large flows within ForEach nodes. (RPD-1898)
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Assign mappings to be lost when changing another mapping that was being made on a structure that had attributes of type "Record”. (RPD-1843)
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Service Studio to crash when saving the eSpace. (RPD-1810)
  • Fixed the Reset search button of the screen and flow toolbox that appeared incorrectly with the toolbox collapsed. (RPDT-317)
  • Improved the performance of deleting multiple selected elements in an Action flow. (RPD-1800)
  • Entity View Data now displays all hidden column markers. (RPD-1755)
  • Improved Entity View Data to show all attributes of the entity by default and to remember previously hidden attributes. (RPD-1740)
  • Consuming REST APIs with array of arrays is now allowed. (RPD-1736)
  • Fixed occasional tutorial crashes when creating a new application. (RPD-1730)
  • Fixed losing code when merging conflicting actions that use type conversions over generic record lists. (RPD-1704)
  • Improved the performance of the Remove Unused Elements command (in Module menu). (RPD-1698)
  • Fixed the copy of the "Build a Web App in 5 min" tutorial if the user didn't replace the default screen with the Contacts screen. (RPD-1643)
  • Fixed an issue in "Remove Unused References" that resulted in errors in the module. (RPD-1626)
  • Property "Extensibility Configurations" of mobile modules is now correctly displayed in the Compare and Merge window. (RPD-1609)
  • Fixed an issue occurring for hidden MaxRecords property of the Refresh Data flow element that was causing the Service Studio to crash. (RPD-1596)
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Service Studio to crash when using the Next Result command (F3 and Shift+F3) in the results of a search. (RPD-1531)
  • Fixed compilation error caused by using Remove Unused References. (RPD-1471)
  • Fixed an issue in Integration Studio that was allowing extensions to be published without binaries, causing compilation errors when referencing the extension in Service Studio. (RPD-1339)
  • Fixed an issue in object’s properties panel that was allowing the edition of read-only properties. (RPD-1214)
  • Fixed an issue occurring during a Compare and Merge operation involving Entity Diagrams. (RCOT-272)
  • Fixed an issue in Merge operation that was causing translation behaviors not being deleted from the local eSpace when they did not exist in the selected eSpace. (RCOT-17)
  • Fixed an issue in Compare and Merge window that was causing some translations with conflicts not being shown. (RCOT-16)
  • Fixed an issue in Compare and Merge window that was causing the flags indicating the differences between eSpaces not showing up in zones not visible when the screen loaded. (RCOT-12)