Service Studio - 11.53.33

Published on 2023-01-04 16:39:22
202.12 MB

Mac OS
257.28 MB


  • Compatible with Platform Server 11, release Sep.2018 or later
Additional Resources For further information on any issues, please use the Support Portal.

NOTICE: OutSystems does not give support to any undesirable behavior you may experience due to the use or manipulation of undocumented components of the OutSystems platform, such as, internal JavaScript, RuntimePlatform library, database system meta-model, components in installation directories, etc.
Release Notes

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed the position of the "Show value" button in the debugger variables (e.g. "In Use", "Locals"). (RMAC-10088)
  • Improved the message shown on Aggregates when all attributes are hidden so that is distinguishable from the cases where there are no records to shown. (RMAC-10381)
  • Removed unnecessary empty lines from the Tooltips shown on Assign nodes. (RMAC-10639)
  • Fixed an issue in the Merge editor that caused a crash during item selection if module versions had different links in a flow. (RMAC-10690)
  • Fixed an issue that caused a module to be marked as changed when canceling a source rename in an aggregate. (RMAC-10718)
  • Fixed an issue that caused new text to be created at the bottom of the screens when typing new text in placeholders. (RMAC-10738)
  • Fixed the source picker in the sort tab of grouped Aggregates to only allow picking grouped attributes. (RMAC-10753)
  • Fixed an issue that cause the Service Studio to freeze when clicking in the Table Record widget toolbar options. (RMAC-10756)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented widgets placed inside a Tabs widget content to be dragged to another position. (RMAC-10762)
  • Fixed an issue that caused Service Studio to freeze when changing the display mode of an If element. (RMAC-10766)
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect behavior when double clicking Placeholders in a Screen or Block.
    The double click was not navigating to the Placeholder's parent Block and when typing after that, the text was being added in the bottom of the Screen.
    Now, the double click correctly navigates to the Placeholder's parent Block. (RMAC-10775)