Service Studio - 11.54.5

Published on 2023-04-17 15:47:51
182.71 MB

Mac OS
260.61 MB


  • Compatible with Platform Server 11, release Sep.2018 or later
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NOTICE: OutSystems does not give support to any undesirable behavior you may experience due to the use or manipulation of undocumented components of the OutSystems platform, such as, internal JavaScript, RuntimePlatform library, database system meta-model, components in installation directories, etc.
Release Notes

New in Cross-platform Service Studio 11.54.5

  • Suggestions for inline records' fields will now use name matching to narrow down available options. (RAID-1899)
  • Now, applying Undo(s) to rollback changes on top of the published version(s) will no longer generate conflicts or automatic merges with the version(s) published from that module Tab, and instead consider the new version as an evolution of the published one. (RDOIAT-1042)
  • Now, output's default values are parsed correctly when consuming a REST service through a Swagger file. (RO11IT-359)

Bug Fixing

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when merging translations. (RDOIAT-1011)
  • Fixed a crash when copying multiple entities from an Entity Diagram to another one that already had some of those entities. (RDOIBT-1243)
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the copy/paste shortcuts to work in the aggregates' natural language input. (RDOIBT-1249)
  • Fixed an issue in the Debugger that caused input parameter variables to not be presented as 'In Use' variables when debugging Action nodes. This occurred when those variables were being used inside a list or record input parameter. (RDOIBT-1256)