Development Environment - 10.0.1011.0

Published on 2019-04-22 11:34:46
55.06 MB


  • Compatible with Platform Server release 10, versions or later
Additional Resources For further information on any issues, please contact Product Support.

NOTICE: OutSystems does not give support to any undesirable behavior you may experience due to the use or manipulation of undocumented components of the OutSystems platform, such as, internal JavaScript, RuntimePlatform library, database system meta-model, components in installation directories, etc.
Release Notes

Bug Fixing

  • We fixed an occasional crash while debugging an app in instances where the debugger variables changed. (RICT-1481)
  • Fixed an issue in the Spanish translation. (RPD-3132)
  • Now Service Studio doesn't crash when you continue the debug session several consecutive times (for example, by pressing F10). (RTAF-342)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented you from selecting text and from setting the cursor in the search field of the Toolbox. (RPD-2804)
  • Fixed Service Studio hang when changing complex SQL argument expressions. (RPD-3974)