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Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
Uploaded on 02 November 2018 by 
 (3 ratings)


Vimeo is a component to embed videos from the vimeo platform.
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This component was build based on the official vimeo documentation.


Url(required) The Vimeo URL for a video.
ApiEnable the JavaScript API. Defaults to false.
AutoPausePause this video automatically when another one plays. Defaults to true.
AutoPlayAutomatically start playback of the video. Defaults to false.
BylineShow the byline on the video. Defaults to true.
ColorSpecify the color of the video controls.
LoopPlay the video again automatically when it reaches the end. Defaults to false.
PortraitShow the user’s portrait on the video. Defaults to true.
TitleShow the title on the video. Defaults to true.
XhtmlMake the embed code XHTML compliant. Defaults to false.
DisplayBoolean literal or expression that defines if the widget is displayed. Defaults to true.
IsResponsiveIndicates if the player should behave responsive to the available space. Defaults to true.
Release notes (2.0.0)

Upgraded to OutSystems 11

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