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Simple Modal Popup

version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Also available for 10
Uploaded on 05 April 2018 by 
 (3 ratings)

Simple Modal Popup

Simple Modal popup.
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Simple Modal Pop Up for screens.

There are two main web blocks.

  1.  ModalPopUp
  2.  ModalPopUpJs

How to use it?

  1. Drag and drop the ModalPopUp on the screen and set name for it.
  2. Place a button or a link on which when pressed the modal should open, set name for it as well. 
  3. Pass the parameters on the block, ModalId and ButtonId are required for it to work. others are optional parameters.
  4. Multiple modals can be placed in the same screen, just need to pass the respective ModalID and ButtonId.
  5. Drag and drop the ModalPopJs at the end of the screen.(It includs scripts for the close (X) button to work).
  6. Server actions are also present 
    1. OpenModal - to open specific modal
    2. CloseModal - to close specific modal
      For these to work ModalId must be passed as a parameter.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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