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Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 18 January 2021 by 
 (1 rating)



The NumbersToNative extension has a single action (also a function), NumberToNative (without the plural s 😁). It has two input parameters:

  • Number (Long Integer) - the number you want to convert;
  • Locale (Text) - optional; the language string for the locale to use (either language-only form (e.g. "ar") or language-country ("ar-EG")). Supported are locales starting with "ar" (Arabic), "hi" (Hindi) and "zh" (Chinese). In case it is not specified, the .NET current culture is used (most likely en-US).

The action returns a single parameter, NativeNumber (Text), which is the representation of the specified number in the specified locale.

Note that conversion to Chinese is experimental, I didn't extensively check it against examples of actual Chinese numbers.

Also note there's no formatting available for the number (like in English 12345678 as 12,345,678), mainly because I have no knowledge about number formatting in other scripts than latin. If so desired, I can add it later, just let me know.