Created on 07 December 2021
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Simple Countdown Timer

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 07 December 2021 by 

Simple Countdown Timer


ReactiveWeb UI component that functions as a countdown timer which expires at desired datetime.

All elements of countdown timer can be configured with custom styling by using the custom styling input parameters.

For examples of how to use the component please refer to the SimpleCountdownTimer_Demo application.

Input Parameters:

Type: Datetime, Name: ExpirationDateTime, Purpose: Countdown timer will expire at this datetime.

Type: Text, Name: DaysCustomClass, Purpose: enter class name to apply custom styling to "D: 00" in countdown.

Type: Text, Name: HoursCustomClass, Purpose: enter class name to apply custom styling to "H: 00" in countdown.

Type: Text, Name: MinutesCustomClass, Purpose: enter class name to apply custom styling to "M: 00" in countdown.

Type: Text, Name: SecondsCustomClass, Purpose: enter class name to apply custom styling to "S: 00" in countdown.

Type: Text, Name: ExpiredCustomClass, Purpose: enter class name to apply custom styling to "EXPIRED" in countdown.

Support options
This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
Simple Countdown Timer has no dependencies.