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iMask Js

Stable version 1.0.7 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 19 October 2022 by 
Team Nexllence
 (7 ratings)

iMask Js


The iMask Js Forge Component was updated to version 1.0.7.

On this new version, you will find:

  • Added paste functionality on Credit Card, IBAN, Portugal NIB and Zip Code.
  • Solved issue with rendering the components OnParametersChange.
  • The Demo package references were also updated with the changes.

The Credit Card, IBAN, Portugal NIB and Zip Code widgets were changed with a new OnPaste event.


The iMask Js Forge Component was updated to version 1.0.6.

On this new version, you will find:

  • Updated references for Outsystems UI version 2.11.0
  • The Demo package references were also updated:
    • Outsystems UI version 2.11.0
    • Removed reference to the Custom UI Patterns forge component

No changes were made to the widgets available.


The iMask Js Forge Component was updated to version 1.0.5.

On this new version, you will find:

  • Updated references for Outsystems UI version 2.10.0
  • A Demo package is now included on the Forge Component

No changes were made to the widgets available.


This component consists of a set of custom input masks, based on the iMask Js Javascript component (

The set of masks available are grouped according to their purpose, in the following sections: 

  • Number Masks
    • Integer Number - applies an integer mask to a number input widget 
    • Decimal Number - applies a decimal mask to a number input widget 
    • Currency Number - applies a currency mask to a number input widget 
  • Text Masks
    • IBAN - applies an IBAN (International Bank Account Number) mask to a text input widget 
    • Portugal NIB - applies a Portugal NIB (Bank Identification Number) mask to a text input widget 
    • Credit Card - applies a Credit Card mask to a text input widget 
    • Zip Code - applies a Country Zip Code mask to a text input widget 

The Demo allows you to view detailed information about each widget, how to use it and a brief preview / demo of it. You can play with each one of the available patterns, setting the available input parameters and seeing the pattern in action immediately.