Created on 17 February 2022
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Javascript QR Code Generator

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 25 Apr (yesterday) by 

Javascript QR Code Generator


The component exposes a public block, that can be used on both Reactive and Mobile applications.

It accepts the following input parameters:

  • Value - text value to encode on the generated QR Code
  • Size - QR Code size in pixels (defaults to 150 pixels)
  • BackgroundColor - The background color to apply to the generated QR Code (defaults to #ffffff)
  • ForegroundColor - The foreground color to apply to the generated QR Code (defaults to #000000)

Component now has an optional event that returns the QR Code image data URL.


The component exposes a public block, that can be used on both Reactive and Mobile applications.

It accepts the following input parameters:

  • Value - text value to encode on the generated QR Code
  • Size - QR Code size in pixels (defaults to 150 pixels)
  • BackgroundColor - The background color to apply to the generated QR Code (defaults to #ffffff)
  • ForegroundColor - The foreground color to apply to the generated QR Code (defaults to #000000)

Support options
This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
Javascript QR Code Generator has no dependencies.