Created on 27 April 2022
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ISBN Validator

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 27 April 2022 by 

ISBN Validator


Public Server Actions:

  • CheckISBN13 - Receives a text input (may include hyphens or spaces but no other chars) and returns True if it is a valid ISBN13 number. If it's valid, also returns a text with only the 13 digits of a valid ISBN-13 (removes the hyphens and/or spaces).

  • ISBN10ToISBN13 - Receives a text input (may include hyphens or spaces but no other chars) and convert the first 9 digits of a 10 digit ISBN to a 13 digit ISBN text output . Returns a text with only the 13 digits or returns NullTextIdentifier if it can't be converted to a valid ISBN-13. This action is also a function. Since ISBN-10 accepts X as the last digit, if that is the case, just replace X by 0 before trying to convert.

  • GetBookDetailsFromOpenLibrary - Receives a text input and, if a valid ISBN-13 is given, calls an API from Open Library, returning its Book Details in a structure with several attributes. Has exception handling for invalid ISBN-13 and for API's empty response (no details found).

Auxiliary Server Actions:

  • IntListToString - Converts a list of integers to a string.

  • StringToIntList - Converts a string to a list of integers. Ignores hyphens and spaces, but returns an empty list if other char is found.

Support options
This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
ISBN Validator has no dependencies.