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Validation Helper

Stable version 1.5.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 25 December 2022 by 
 (5 ratings)

Validation Helper


How to use

There are two things to do.

  1. Define validation rules in this app.
  2. Call validation action where you want to verify.

For example, there is the following entity.

Micropost entity has three attributes.
Id attribute is identifier of this entity.
Content attribute has text that length is less than or equal to 140.
UserId attribute has ServiceCenter/User.Id.
All three attributes are mandatory.

I want to verify two things below.

  1. Content has text that length 1~140.
  2. User of UserId is exist.

Now let's get started.

1. Define validation rules in this app

Open the validation rules page in this app (https://<YOUR_SERVER>/ValidationHelper/).
The page of Micropost is as follows.
You will see the attributes in Micropost and you will see links to add validation.

Set the validation rules.

2. Call validation action where you want to verify

Open the screen I want to verify in Service Studio.
(The screen below was created by scaffolding.)

Open the action you want to validate. This time I will verify in the "Save" button.
Then call the validation action of "VH_IsValidEntity".
In the input parameter "EntityObject" of this action, specify the variable of the entity converted by "ToObject".

That's all for how to use it.
Let's check the execution result

Execution Result

Open the details screen of "Micropost" and enter 141 characters in "Content". Nothing is specified for "UserId".

When I clicked the "Save" button, verification was performed and an error occurred.

Now empty Content and click Save. It has been verified as expected.