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Laudite Integration

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 22 March 2021 by 
 (4 ratings)

Laudite Integration


About the Component: Laudite Integration

Integration component of the Laudite tool (advanced text editor for making Medical Reports) through iFrame and functions for sending and receiving commands and messages using JavaScript.

This component is an integration tool with the Laudite system. You can add the Laudite block to your system and integrate the advanced editor for making Medical Reports.

This system was converted from official documentation and supported by the Laudite team itself.

For use and testing, you first need to register on the site


  • Account registered in Laudite:
  • Token of the company generated by Laudite
  • Release of your URL that will call the application (your domain URL)

Laudite Integration

Original documentation of integration via JavaScript and use of iFrame:

Post messages sent by LauDITE:

companyMasksnull- After initializing the iframeRequest sending service masks, when in the iframe url the values were specified in the parameter masksScope: 'onlyCompany' or 'both'
optionalParamsnull- After initializing the iframeRequests sending optional parameters (i.e.: information about the current exam), being an alternative way to sending via query of the iframe url.
loadednull- After initializing the iframeAfter initialization of the complete iframe Warns of the complete loading of LauDITE in the iframe, allowing the "parent" application to take any necessary actions after loading (for example, sending a mask or html to the LauDITE editor).
textChangeHTML of the editor <string>- After each change in the editor's textAllows the "parent" application to receive the editor's html after each change, being useful if the "parent" application needs automatic saving ("autosave")
saveReportHTML of the editor <string>- By buttonActions must be triggered in the "parent" application, to save the text (html) of the report
endReportHTML of the editor <string>- By buttonMust trigger actions in the "parent" application, to save and finalize the report
nextReportHTML of the editor <string>- By buttonYou must trigger actions in the "parent" application, to save and finalize the current report, as well as open the next exam for report
displayMode"slim" | "full" | "hidden" <string>- By buttonYou must modify the layout of the "parent" application to accommodate the Laudite display mode, chosen by the user. Basically, there are three possibilities:

- 'slim': in this mode LauDITE has a more compact presentation, allowing the "parent" application to show more information to the user. Ideal to allow a hybrid view of both applications.
- 'full': in this mode LauDITE has its complete and larger interface, and the "parent" application should be in its most summarized form.
- 'hidden': in this mode, the "parent" application must hide the LauDITE iframe, returning its native editor.
altKey: <boolean>,
ctrlKey: <boolean>,
metaKey: <boolean>,
shiftKey: <boolean>,
key: <string>,
code: <string>,
keyCode: <numer>,
which: <number>,
location: <number>
- After user presses set of keys on the keyboard or F1 to F10
- Exception: Shortcut keys already used by LauDITE are not sent in post messages
Propagates shortcut keys executed in the iframe, allowing the "parent" application to perform some action, if necessary. The shortcut keys used by LauDITE will not be propagated.
reloadIframenull- After login of an individual on the same computerTo avoid conflicts, it may be necessary for Laudite to request the "parent" application to force its "reload", allowing clearing the individual configuration and reestablishing the enterprise content

Post messages received by LauDITE:

title: <string>,
html: <string>,
id: <string>,
<array of objects>
———- OU ————-
<array of strings with IDs>
'procedure code' <string>
After receiving from Laudite postMessage with action of the same name "companyMasks", the application "parent" must send postMessage with action of the same name and in the property we have two options:
1) list with data of the masks pertinent to that user and exam; OR
2) list with mask ids. For companies that choose to keep their masks in the Laudite database, it is only necessary to send the array with ids, so that Laudite presents the masks pertinent to that exam to the user.
3) procedure / exam code. For companies that choose to keep their masks in the Laudite database, it is only necessary to send the procedure / exam code, so that Laudite presents the masks pertinent to that exam to the user.

Note: This logic will only be necessary when the value of 'onlyCompany' or 'both' was specified in the iframe url
nullLaudite's voice recognition begins.
pauseVoicenullPauses Laudite's voice recognition.
sendMaskHTML<string>Replaces the text of the Laudite editor with the html sent. Used for sending masks, for example.
sendHtmlplain text or HTML<string>It allows the insertion of some text or HTML content in the location of the current selection of the Laudite text editor.
displayMode"slim" | "full" <string>Change the Laudite display mode. Basically, there are three possibilities:
- 'slim': in this mode LauDITE has a more compact presentation, allowing the "parent" application to show more information to the user. Ideal to allow a hybrid view of both applications.
- 'full': in this mode LauDITE has its complete and larger interface, and the "parent" application should be in its most summarized form.
Note: Changing the Laudite display mode must be combined with changing the layout of the "parent" application, allowing for a better fit between both applications and, consequently, a better user experience.
altKey: <boolean>,
ctrlKey: <boolean>,
metaKey: <boolean>,
shiftKey: <boolean>,
key: <string>,
code: <string>,
keyCode: <numer>,
which: <number>,
location: <number>
Propagates shortcut keys executed in the "parent" application to Laudite's iframe, allowing Laudite to take some action, if necessary. During integration, you must discuss how to handle any shortcut keys used by both applications.