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AWS Translation Services

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 01 April 2021 by 
OutSystems Lab
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AWS Translation Services


Polly - Service to convert Text to Audio

Polly_TextToVoice - An action to convert text to Audio


AmazonToken - Access Key and Access Secret that you define for your IAM user on AWS console. This user needs to have permission to Polly services.

AWSRegionId - Static Values for the AWS Region where you want to use the service. You can also pass the Region as text (the column Region)

TextToConvert - The text you want to convert to audio

TargetLanguageCode - The language code of the voice you want reading the text.

VoiceId - The name of the voice you want to read the text. Needs to align with the Target language code selected . You can consult the available voices in here

Transcribe - A service to convert audio to text 

This service converts audio files store in a S3 bucket storing the result in an output S3 bucket. In this integration we are using the same bucket to pick the audio from and store the result. You can customize the behavior by changing the integration from the component

Transcribe_Wrapper - This action trigger a new Transcribe job. Returns the name of the JSON result stored in the S3 bucket 


AmazonToken - Access Key and Access Secret that you define for your IAM user on AWS console. This user needs to have permission to Polly services.

AWSRegionId - Static Values for the AWS Region where you want to use the service. You can also pass the Region as text (the column Region)

FileName - The file name of the audio file you want to transcribe. This file must exist on the Bucket defined in Bucket Name

BucketName - Bucket name to pick the audio from and to store the result json

TargetLanguageCode - The language code of the language talked in the audio.

TranscribeJobName  - The name you want to give to the transcribe job identifiable on the Transcribe console on AWS.

Translate - Service to translate text from one language to another.

Translate_Wrapper - Action to translate text.


AmazonToken - Access Key and Access Secret that you define for your IAM user on AWS console. This user needs to have permission to Polly services.

AWSRegionId - Static Values for the AWS Region where you want to use the service. You can also pass the Region as text (the column Region)

toTranslate - Text you want to translate

sourceLanguageCode - The original text language code 

targetLanguageCode - The language you want to translate the text to.

In this component we also include some actions from S3 to manage buckets so we can upload files to an S3 bucket in order to have them transcribed. Also to get the result Transcription JSON from the bucket