The AWS Simple Storage Service Connector enables you to integrate with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to easily store and retrieve objects.
The actions in this connector provide you the following capabilities over buckets and files in your Amazon S3 storage:
List buckets
Create and delete a bucket
Get the details of a bucket
Add, replace and delete files in a bucket
List the files in a bucket
Retrieve the files or their URL from a bucket
Tag a bucket or a file
This component is based on the AWS SDK for .NET v3.
To use this connector you must have:
An AWS account, so you can use Amazon S3
An AWS access key (access key ID and secret access key), with the permissions to write, list, get and delete files in a specific bucket.
See AWS documentation for detailed information and instructions for getting started, developing, and working with Amazon S3.
To authenticate in Amazon S3 from this connector, you need the following information:
The access key ID of your AWS access key
The secret access key of your AWS access key
The AWS Region of the service endpoint you want to connect. To reduce latency, you should choose a region close to your application server. See the API documentation for the list of region Names.
Use the above information to fill in the following site properties available in the AmazonS3_IS module:
Access Key
Secret Access Key
Region (default value is "USEast1")
The connector uses the values in these site properties as the default AWS credentials to authenticate in Amazon S3.
Alternatively, you can specify different credentials when invoking an action from the connector in your logic by using the AWSCredentials input parameter:
Each time you run an action from the connector, the authentication in Amazon S3 is performed as follows (see this logic in GetAmazonCredentials action):
If the AWSCredentials input parameter is passed (the parameter isn’t mandatory), these values are used to authenticate.
Otherwise, the authentication uses the values in the Access Key, Secret Access Key, and Region site properties.
If the values in the site properties are not set, an exception is raised: “Invalid configuration. Please validate the values."
With this design, you have the flexibility to define a set of AWS credentials for specific actions, while using the ones configured in the site properties as default credentials for the remaining actions.
If the values in the site properties are not set, an exception is raised: "Invalid configuration. Please validate the values."