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PagSeguro connector

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 05 August 2021 by 
 (0 ratings)

PagSeguro connector


Setup PagSeguro Account

In order to receive online payments, you need to have a valid PagSeguro Merchant account. This guide will help you setup an account for testing purposes.

Step 1 - Create a Developer PagSeguro Account

Go to and click "Criar Conta" then select “Para meu negócio”. Fill in all the necessary fields and ensure you provide a valid email address.

When you are done. You should receive an activation email shortly.

Step 2 – Get API Credentials 

After you validate your email, go to

After login select “Vendedor” from the left-side menu, and get your API credentials (email - token).

Step 3 – Test

Go to your application backoffice https://[your-domain]/PagSeguro/SetCredential.aspx and fill in the form with your credentials from previous step.

Before you test make sure you are using the correct url (sandbox -  / production - ) 

Now you are ready to try Do Payment, Get Transaction status , Cancel Transaction. Go to https://[your-domain]/PagSeguro/Payment.aspx enjoy this component and if you like it give us 5 stars rating.