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User Session Timeout

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 14 February 2023
 (3 ratings)

User Session Timeout


There is three input parameter in this asset 

1 Timeout - It is of type Integer which will take time in second . It will help you to define a period in which you want to show popup. it is non mandatory default value is set to 1200 seconds.

2 LoginPageUrl - It is of type Text it will take url of page on which you want to redirect user when it press exit button it is mandatory. For example you can provide login page url for redirecting user to login page.

3 Message - It will help you to set popup message which will display to user it is non mandatory in nature default value of message is "Your Session is about to timeout " you can change it based on you requirements.

this component is useful for reactive application.