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Firebase Web

Stable version 1.2.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
Uploaded on 17 December 2021 by 
 (6 ratings)

Firebase Web


A demo was created to better understand how to use this component. This demo showcases Firebase Realtime Database in 2 shared Chat Rooms that use 2 different authentication sign in methods. Both Chat Rooms use the same database.

The first chat room uses a token authentication and requires a token to be generated. The second chat room uses an email/password authentication.

To properly use this demo, it is recommended the use of 2 different users. When one user sends a message, the other user will receive the message in realtime.

Download and install the Firebase Web plus and the Firebase Web Demo from the forge, after you first open the demo, it will require you to fill in five site properties. This site properties are values that come from your Firebase Account - FbAPIKey, FbDatabaseURL, FbProjectId, FbServiceAccountEmail and FbServiceAccountPrivateKey.

These next steps below will help you on how to find these values, after you find them, copy and paste them on the module’s Service Center page.

FbAPIKey and FbProjectId: 

  1. Go to the Firebase Console and click on the “gear” icon;

  2. Click on the “Project Settings” button;

  3. On the “Settings” tab, copy the Project Id value and assign it to the site property FbProjectId;

  4. On the “Settings” tab, copy the Web API Key value and assign it to the site property FbAPIKey.




  1. Go to the Firebase console and click on the “Realtime Database” menu item;

  2. On the Data tab:

    1. Copy the Database URL and assign it to the site property FbDatabaseURL.



FbServiceAccountPrivateKey and the FbServiceAccountClientEmail: (Only required for authentication with Tokens)

  1. Go to the Firebase Console and click on the “gear” icon;

  2. Click on the “Project Settings” button;

  3. Click on the “Service Account” tab;

  4. On “Firebase Admin SDK”, click on the button “Generate new private key”. A JSON file will be downloaded;

  5. Open the JSON file and copy the values of the keys  “client_email” and “private_key” and assign them to the site properties FbServiceAccountClientEmail and FbServiceAccountPrivateKey.


You can also configure the authentication sign methods in the firebase console.

  1. Go to the Firebase console and click on the “Authentication” menu item;

  2. Click on the tab “Sign-in method”

  3. Enable the authentication method:

    1. For Email and Password, enable the Email/Password method;

    2. For Anonymous, enable the Anonymous method.


For your realtime database, you can configure your security rules, find more about them here.