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Rapid Strings

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 15 August 2021 by 
 (5 ratings)

Rapid Strings


Highlights :

  • GetLeft
  • GetRight
  • StartWith
  • EndsWith
  • Reverse
  • Repeat


  • GetLeft : Returns a sub-string of 'input' starting from left to the number of Integer 'CharPos' position.

    Input : ABCDEFGH
    CharPos : 03
    Output : ABC
    Input : ABCDEFGH
    CharPos : 5
    Output  : ABCDE

  • GetRight : Returns a sub-string of 'input' starting from right i.e end, to the number of Integer 'CharPos' position.

    Input : ABCDEFGH
    CharPos : 03
    Output : FGH
    Input : ABCDEFGH
    CharPos : 99
    Output : ABCDEFGH

    Note : If CharPos is greater than Length of Input, It will return complete string.

  • StartsWith : Determines whether a string begins with the characters of a specified string.
    returns true if the string begins with the characters, and false if not.

    Note: Method is Case-Sensitive

    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Start : 6
    InputSearchValue : "world"
    Output : True
    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Start :
    InputSearchValue : "world"
    Output : False
    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Start :
    InputSearchValue : "Hell"
    Output : True
    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Start : 7
    InputSearchValue : "orl"
    Output : True

  • EndsWith : Determines whether a string ends with the characters of a specified InputSearchValue .
    returns true if the string ends with the characters, and false if not.

    Note: Specify the Length of the string to search. If omitted, the default value is the length of the Input-string

    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Length :
    InputSearchValue : "rse."
    Output : True
    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Length : 11
    InputSearchValue : "world"
    Output : True
    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Length :
    InputSearchValue : "world"
    Output : False
    Input : "Hello world, welcome to the universe."
    Length :
    InputSearchValue : ", welcome to the universe."
    Output : True

  • Repeat :  returns a new string with a specified number of copies of the string it was called on.
  • Reverse : Reverses a string.
  • CreateText : Create Dynamic Text so that the Orignal Text will be feasible for the person to translate the respective text.

    Example :
    CreateText("Outsystems is a {1} Platform.","Low Code")
    CreateText("{1} is a {2} Platform.","Outsystems","Low Code")