Created on 01 March 2019
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Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 13 March 2021 by 



Prerequisite to use the component :

  • You have to Setup an Account on Stripe & get your configuration keys from Dashboard.
  • You can also use reports & logs to check the Action Request & Response.
  • All Request-Response is handled with the help of a defined Structure. 
  • Import Actions as well as Structure while you use the plugin.
  • Common Plugin to be installed on the environment, Link.

Setup Actions:  

  •  SetPublishKey: Use this to Initialize the Key before calling any of the below further actions.

Create Actions: 

  • CreateBankAccountToken:  Create a Bank Token
  • CreateCardToken : Create CreditCard Token

Validate Actions: 

  • ValidateCardNumber: Returns Boolean Value after provided CC Number Validation.
  • ValidateCVC:   Returns Boolean Value after provided CVC Number Validation.
  • ValidateExpiryDate: Returns Boolean Value after provided Expiry Month & Year Validation.
  • GetCardType: Returns the Credit-Card Type

Please Note:

  • You can use Spinner while using the Setup/Create Actions as of these actions will be executed with Stripe API involvement & Logs will be generated for below Actions & the response time will be a bit more than your expectations.
  • You can Skip Spinner Idea with all the Validate Actions as they are executed internally without generating any log Stripe Dashboard

Apple iOS Appstore Publish Issue/queries while using Stripe :

You can use Stripe in an iOS app. Apple accepts it when the customer can buy something which is not digital. for example, your Instagram pictures printed on a mug, a computer, and so on.

But if you use Stripe for something like a subscription (like "gold access" to a revue) or to buy credits for a game, Apple will refuse the app and force you to use an In-app purchase.

take a look here:

"There are a couple of different ways to integrate payments into your iOS app: Apple Pay and In-App Purchases. It’s important to understand when each option should be used.

You can use Apple Pay to sell physical goods such as groceries, clothing, and appliances. Also use Apple Pay for services such as club memberships, hotel reservations, and tickets for events. These transactions will be processed through Stripe and you’ll only need to pay Stripe’s processing fee. You can read more about Apple Pay here.

You are required to use Apple’s In-App Purchase API to sell virtual goods such as premium content for your app, and subscriptions for digital content. Specifically, Apple’s developer terms require that the In-App Purchase API must be used for digital “content, functionality, or services” such as premium features or credits. If you use the In-App Purchase API, the transactions will be processed by Apple, which will charge a fee of 30% of the total transaction."

Stripe Forum:

- Assif

Support options
This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
Stripe has no dependencies.