Created on 20 July 2014
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Paypal connector

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
Uploaded on 28 February 2020 by 
Sofia Mourato

Paypal connector


Setup PayPal Account

In order to receive online payments, you need to have a valid PayPal Merchant account. This guide will help you setup a Sandbox account for testing purposes.

Step 1 - Create a Developer Paypal Account

Go to and click "Sign Up". Fill in all the necessary fields and ensure you provide a valid email address. 

When you are done, click "Agree and Submit". You should receive an activation email shortly.

Step 2 - Create Test User

After you validate your email, login, and go to the Dashboards in the portal.

Select Sandbox Accounts from the left-side menu, and Create Account.

The sandbox account that you’ll create here will be the one used for testing. It should be of type Website Payments Pro. Fill in all the necessary details like email and password. Remember this password since you will need it later in the process. 

Step 3 - Obtain the API Credentials

In the Accounts screen, select the desired account and click on API Credentials Tab

After you locate the three required fields, go to your application’s back-office or to the Sample Page (https://[your-domain]/PayPalGateway_Sample/SetupMerchant.aspx), fill in the form with the data from Paypal and click on save

Step 4 - Test!

After setting up the API credentials in your application, It’s time to test it. Go to Credit Card Generator in, select the card type and then generate it.

Go to your Payment Screen or the sample page’s Payment Screen (https://[your-domain]/PayPalGateway_Sample/PaymentScreen.aspx )

Fill the form with the credit card data that was generated.

Fill the rest of the required information as you will such as the address, the amount to transfer, etc.

If everything goes right a Success message should appear below the form.

Step 5 - Verify Transfers

You can validate if the transfer was done to the proper account by going into Sandbox > Accounts, select the account that was configured in the Setup Screen and click on the funding tab.

Another way to closely monitor transactions it to go to and log in with the sandbox account used in the test. From there you can closely monitor all the transactions for that account.

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