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Datadog RUM

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 06 December 2019 by 
 (0 ratings)

Datadog RUM


How to Use

Reference Datadog_Initialize action and call it in your application. We recommend initializing Datadog in ApplicationReady (system event).

Datadog client token and application ID must be provided as parameters.

How to Configure

Datadog RUM is an early access feature and not included in basic trial package. After creating a Datadog account, please sign up for RUM via the following link:

As soon as RUM is activated, the component can be used:

  1. Go to UX Monitoring - RUM Applications
  2. Click New Application button
  3. Enter application name
  4. Click Generate Client Token
  5. See your parameters in the snippet below

Please note that it may take some time, typically up to 10 minutes, for the data to be displayed on Datadog interface.


You can see in the Developer Tools of the browser, in the network tab, the beacon sent by Datadog. The beacon will be sent to the domain