Created on 06 September 2020
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Generic Connector for Multipart/form-data request

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 Mar by 

Generic Connector for Multipart/form-data request


About Generic connector for multipart form data request:

This component can be used to send multiple files to any REST API. 

Apart from files, other information can also be passed dynamically. By using this there is no need to consume the API as well the URL can be made at runtime and passed to get executed.

This extension contains below action:

Upload action:

When we pass multiple parameters in body as form-data inputs along with the API url and headers, the API will give the response in JSON format

This method has four input parameters:

  1. RequestURL - This contains Request URL and request type will be POST only.

  1. HeaderParameters - This contains the header parameters for the API. This includes key value pairs.

  1. QueryParameters - This contains the query parameters for the API. This includes key value pairs.

  1. BodyParameters - This contains the form data body records which we want to send in the API request body. It has four parameters: 

  • Key: This contains the name of the parameter to pass in the request body.

  • IsFile: This takes input as True if the key is binary type otherwise False is passed

  • TextValue:This parameter contains the value for the key parameter if the IsFile parameter is false.

  • FileValue: FileValue contains BinaryContent and FileName parameters which contains the value for key if IsFile is True.

This method has two output parameters:

  1. Response: This parameter stores the response of the API in JSON format.

  1. ErrorMessage: This gives the error message if occurred.

How to use this component:

  1. Add the component as a Dependency of your project, Go to your Service Studio environment, click the manage dependencies button on the top menu, and add the following references to your Reactive Web Application.

  2. Drag the upload server action to a client or server action.

  3. Assign the correct Input parameters.

  4. Then use the output from the action.


When to Use :

This component can be used to send multiple files to any REST API. 

Apart from file, other information can also be passed dynamically. By using this their is no need to consume the API as well the URL can be made at runtime and passed to get executed.

Support options
This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
Generic Connector for Multipart/form-data request has no dependencies.