Created on 11 January 2021
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Format Currency

Stable version 1.0.5 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 25 January 2021 by 

Format Currency

Formats the decimal based on the locale provided and currency symbol from the locale or provided. Provides a list of the Locales available. Converts a Locale Decimal String (a decimal that was written in in a certain locale) into a valid Decimal.
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Provides the action GetCurrencyFormattedByLocale that formats a decimal based on the locale provided.

It also provides a list of all the Locales available for usage with GetLocales.

Provides the action GetDecimalFromLocaleDecimalString converts a Locale Decimal String (a decimal that was written in in a certain locale) into a valid Decimal.  

It takes advantage of C#'s System.Globalization namespace and the CultureInfo and NumberFormatInfo classes.

Release notes (1.0.5)

Altered Feature: Chinese decimal point numbers now are followed with direct numbers from 0-9 after the decimal point.

New Feature: zero rules were implemented similar to the NumbersToNative Component.

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Functional libraries & utilities, Other functions & libraries
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Format Currency has no dependencies.
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Compatible with
Version 11
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