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JavaScript Common Utility

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 17 September 2021 by 
 (2 ratings)

JavaScript Common Utility

This is JavaScript common Utility for handling the data at client side
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This is the JavaScript utility for below functionality –

  1. ArrayFirstElement :_.first is an array method that returns the first element of an array. Passing n will return the first n elements of the array.
  2. ArrayLastElement :_.last is an array method that returns the first element of an array. Passing n will return the first n elements of the array.
  3. ArrayUniqElement :_.uniq is an array method that that produces a duplicate-free version of the array
  4. Base64ToString : Base64 encoded value to convert in plain string decode.  
  5. StringToBase64 : Plain string value to convert in Base64 encode
  6. BinaryToBase64 : Binary data decoded to Base64 encoded.
  7. Base64ToBinary : Base64 value encoded to binary decoded.
  8. JsonButify: Json string formatting in readable format
  9. JsonMinify: Json string removing the white spaces reduce the size.
  10. JsonToXML: Json to Xml format
  11. FindDuplicateWord : Find Duplicated Word in string 
  12. FindRepeatedChar : Find Repeated  Character
  13. JoinString : Join the list to  single string 
  14. SplitString : String( having the separator value) convert to list    

Release notes (1.0.2)

Add new function for valid url checking 

Reviews (0)