Created on 25 June 2018
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Hierarchical Tree

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
Uploaded on 13 February 2019 by 

Hierarchical Tree

Builds a hierarchical tree-like structure. It's an OutSystems approach to some of zTree functionalities. Link to zTree:
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Simple plug in to build and display a tree-like structure using the ListRecords widget

The user can use the embedded actions to build a custom tree, or just expose the public web block on the screen to have a ready to use list.

 Note: The list that is going to be used as a source for the Hierarchical tree has to have five mandatory attributes:

- Level - integer - Zero based number representing the hierarchical of the current record, i.e. the top-most layer has Level = 0, the following layer has Level = 1, and so on.

- Sort - string - A "|" separated string with the Names oh the entire lineage of a record. For example for record Rua de Marvila on the screenshot, it's Sort attribute is "Europe|Portugal|Lisbon|Rua de Marvila". This field is used to sort the records in order to display the child records below the correct parent.

- isVisible - boolean - Flag to display or hide a given record

- isOpen - boolean - Flag that indicates if a given record is expanded in order to show its child records or collapsed.

- isChecked - boolean - Flag that indicates if a given record is checked or not.

Hope this helps anyone that needs something like this in their projects.

Please give feedback of any bugs or improvements and I'll give them a luck whenever I get the chance.

Release notes (2.0.0)

Updated to handle WebBlock events

Reviews (0)
User interface, Other UI components
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This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
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Application Objects
Hierarchical Tree has 10 AOs.
Compatible with
Version 11
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