Created on 14 May 2020
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API Doco

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 13 January 2021 by 

API Doco

Extends the Outsystems generated swagger.json by adding additional documentation elements.
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How does it do it?

You define a set of Documentation Elements that are added to the original swagger.json.

A Documentation Element is effectively a Json token that corresponds to a missing piece of the documentation. This could be to change a default value, to add a new property and value, to add a whole new definition structure or to remove an element. They are added to the baseline swagger.json to give you an updated, more accurate API specification.


As an example, consider the case where the Outsystems swagger.json only includes the 200 response code for an API endpoint. If your endpoint actually responds with other status codes the documentation won’t reflect this.

Ordinarily you would need to manually edit the swagger.json file to make these type of alterations. If the baseline swagger.json file changes you would then have to merge the altered swagger.json with the new baseline.

With API Doco, the baseline can change at any point as the Documentation Elements are simply added over the top.


  • Can be used with any swagger.json, not just Outsystems
  • Add any type of Documentation Element
  • Json viewer to easily navigate and visualise
  • SwaggerUI and ReDoc html templates
  • Versioned swagger.json, swaggerui.html and redoc.html files
  • Export and Import


  • Easily add any missing content
  • Generate an accurate OpenAPI specification
  • Quickly visualise the final result


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JsonPrettyFormat – Used as the basis for the Json Viewer

Release notes (1.0.2)

Updated default swagger template to use CDN swagger files.

Reviews (0)
Development tools, Other development tools
Support options
This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
See all 2 dependencies
Application Objects
API Doco has 31 AOs.
Compatible with
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.606 to 11.0.615
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