Created on 26 July 2020
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Krisp Test Assertions

Version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 26 July 2020 by 

Krisp Test Assertions

Basic unit testing. Sends results to the General Log. Write unit tests quickly using zero AOs. Assertion actions throw an exception if the assertion is not true. There are assertion actions for most comparison operations on most basic data types. Assertion actions contain the simple repeatable logic to check test results. Exception messages give a clear indication of what went wrong so you can fix errors quickly.
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Includes 79 assertion actions to aid in unit testing server actions.

When an assertion action is called and the assertion is not True, an exception is thrown.

Each assertion action requires the following inputs

  • Name (Text) The name of the value being tested, eg "Customer.Name"
  • ExpectedValue (Type differs) The value the test expects to find
  • Value (Same as expected value) The actual value returned by the action being tested
  • Message (Text) An optional additional message to throw in the exception.

The exception message will be somewhat like the following depending on the particular assertion:

Name + " does not match the expected value "EXPECTED VALUE", but is "VALUE".

See the Documentation for details of all available actions.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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Development tools, Testing
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This asset is not supported by OutSystems. You may use the discussion forums to leave suggestions or obtain best-effort support from the community, including from  who created this asset.
Krisp Test Assertions has no dependencies.
Application Objects
Krisp Test Assertions has 0 AOs.
Compatible with
Version 11
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