In Service Studio, you may add eSpace elements to be permanently examined while debugging requests in your eSpace. These elements are displayed in the Watches Tab, staying there permanently whether they are in or out of scope of the element currently being debugged. This behavior contrasts with the rest of the tabs in the Scope Tabs where the content is displayed according to the scope.

Watching an Element

To watch an eSpace element simply right-click on that element (either in the Scope tabs or in the eSpace tree), and select the Add To Debug Watches option in the pop up menu. All watched eSpace elements are alphabetically listed in the Watches Tab.

Removing Watches

To remove a watched eSpace element simply right-click on the watched element (in the Watches Tab), and select the option Remove Watch in the pop up menu.

To Remove All watches from your eSpace simply right-click anywhere on the Watches Tab area, and select the Remove All Watches option in the pop up menu. Alternatively, go to the Debug Menu and select Remove All Watches option.

Operating with Watches

If you double-click on a element in the Watches Tab it opens a window displaying its value. This turns out to be especially useful if the element value is too long to be examined in the tab, or if it is an element of the data type List to display its values in a table.

See Also

Debug an eSpace | Scope Tree | About Variables | About Requests