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The translation of your module is made using files containing the translatable resources . OutSystems Platform exports the translatable resources to these files, which are sent to the translator, and then, after being translated, imported back to your module:

Exporting the Resources for Translation

To export your translatable resources to files, select the option Export Language Resources in the module Menu or right-click on the Multilingual Locales folder, and then select one of the following file formats:


OutSystems Platform exports all translatable resources to a single Excel file listed in lines and columns as follows:

Key : the key of the translatable resource. It is unique within the eSpace and it does not change. New translatable resources get a different key.

Location : the location of the translatable resource in the eSpace.

Text to be translated : the text to be translated.

Locale(s) : columns for each language locale in your eSpace. Set the translated text here , however, if you want to keep using the original text just leave the translation text empty.

.resX (.NET resource format)

You need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and Service Pack 1 installed to use .resX format.

OutSystems Platform exports all translatable resources to .resX files, one  file for each language locale in your eSpace and one more file for the eSpace default language. The translatable resources information is organized in a XML way consisting basically in pairs of <name, value> , although a comment is also added See example .

Name : the name (key) of the translatable resource. It is unique within the eSpace and it does not change. New translatable resources get a different name.

Value : This is the field where you should put the translated text replacing the existing one.

Comment : the location of the translatable resource in the eSpace.

Depending on the .NET Framework you are using, the translatable resource files can have more attributes than these, but they are ignored by the Service Studio.

After selecting the file format, Service Studio displays a window for you to select where to save the files. Notice that no file name is asked and this is because Service Studio uses fixed names for its language translatable resource files, as follows:

Excel Files

The name of the Excel file obeys to the following rule: <eSpace name> + 'Language' + '.' + <Excel extension> . For example, if your module name is 'Recruitment' the language translatable resources file name is 'RecruitmentLanguage.xls'.

.resX Files

The name of the .resX files obey to the following rule: <eSpace name> + 'Language' + '.' + <Language locale> + '.resX' . For example, if your module name is 'Recruitment' and has the following language locales: 'French (France)' (fr-FR) and 'French (Canada)' (fr-CA). Three files are generated: '', ', and 'RecruitmentLanguage.resX' (for the default language).

Exporting the Images for Translation

Your Images must be manually exported by saving them to files. For that, right-click on each original image to be translated and select Save Image As... option and save the image. Repeat this procedure for each language you have to translate the image.

Name your translated images using the convention: <image name> + '.' + <language locale> + '.' + <image extension> . This allows Service Studio to automatically determine the locale when you add the translated image.

Importing the Translations of the Resources

To import the translations of your translatable resources back to the module, select the option Import Language Resources in the "Module" Menu, or by right-clicking on the Multilingual Locales folder. The development environment displays a window for you to select the file to be imported from one of the following formats:

Excel Files

Select the Excel file containing your translatable resources translations to be imported: all languages translations are updated .

If your Excel file is opened the import operation will raise an error because the file is locked.

.resX Files

Select the .resX file for the language you wish to import the translatable resources translations: only language translations are updated for the imported language .

Importing Translated Images

Your translated Images must be manually imported in one of two ways:

See Also

About Multilingual eSpaces | Adding Other Languages | Translatable Resources