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Education Manager

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 26 March 2021 by 
 (1 rating)

Education Manager




After installing the app from the forge, you will need a few configuration steps.

Configure Lifetime API REST entry point

On Service Center, navigate to the Education Manager module and select the Integrations tab.

Scroll down to the "Consumed REST APIs and click on the v2 link

Replace the localhost with the server name URL of your lifetime server and press the "Apply" button. Make sure the URL is complete and pointing to the life time API REST entry point.

Lifetime configurations

You will need administration privileges to set up lifetime to work with the Education Manager.

Open your lifetime console

Create Education Manager Role

Navigate to User Management / Roles

and create a new role "Education Manager" with:

  • Full Control for a single environment (Development)
  • No Access for all other environments
  • Manage Users and Roles
  • Manage Teams and Application Roles


Create Service Account

Navigate to "Service Accounts" still under "User Management" and click new service account button.

Fill in the form and making sure under Role you select the role created on the previous step.

Once you press the "Create" button, a pop up shows the Lifetime API key. Make sure you copy and paste it to a temporary document, you will need it on the next step. However, you can always regenerate e new key.

Education Manager 1st run

Go ahead and open the Education Manager application on your browser

Login with your lifetime user that must belong to the Administrator Role.

For a first time use you will be prompted to enter the Lifetime API key you just created. Paste the key and press save.