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IdP Customizations

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 25 January 2021 by 
 (1 rating)

IdP Customizations


This component's goal is to allow you to customize the logic that should be executed during an authentication request made using the Idp Component.

The component exposes 2 service actions that are consumed directly by the IdP component:


  • Service Action used to handle the custom logic to be used to create/update the user before the IDP login

  • Custom_Group_Map
    Service Action used to handle the custom logic to be used to map/assign users to groups/roles before the IDP login

In order to use this service actions, you will need to first enable its usage on the IdP configuration that requires it:

Once enabled, the IdP component will call the corresponding service action during the authentication flow.

You can add your custom logic to these service actions to change their behavior.

For the "Custom_User_Check" service action, you will need to return the Id of the user that IdP should use to perform the login, or "NullIdentifier()" in case you don't want to allow the user to perform the authentication.

For both service actions, the configuration name that is triggering the service action is passed so that you can have different logic based per configuration.

The component also has some default examples that match the default logic that IdP will use.

You can use it as a reference for your own customizations.