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OutSystems Native Store

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 24 February 2021 by 
 (2 ratings)

OutSystems Native Store


1. Native Resources

1.1 Mobile Applications

All your OutSystems native mobile apps will automatically be visible in the Apps page therefore creating and publishing a new native mobile app will automatically add it to the list.

Linking a provisioning profile to your app is achieved in the Provisioning Profile details page. Successfully linking a provisioning profile will also link the associated certificate to your app.

Linking a provisioning profile to your app is achieved in the Provisioning Profile details page

1.2 Certificates

  • Navigate to the Certificates page and Click on the “+” icon
  • Populate the fields with the required data. Mandatory fields include the Name, Type and Expiry date.
  • The password field is optional and is only visible to the ONS_Admin role.
  • (Optional) Upload your certificate files in the Attachments section.

  • Navigate to the details page of the certificate required.
  • Under the Watchers section start searching for a user
  • Select the required user. (The same user can only be added once)

1.3 Provisioning Profiles

  • Navigate to the Profiles page and Click on the “+” icon
  • Populate the fields with the required data. Mandatory fields include the Name, Profile Type and Expiry date.
  • The Application and Certificate fields are optional. Assigning those will establish a link between all 3.
  • (Optional) Upload your provisioning profile files in the Attachments section.

  • Navigate to the details page of the profile required.
  • Under the Watchers section start searching for a user
  • Select the required user. (The same user can only be added once)

In some instances (iOS App Development for example) Apple requires a list of iOS devices to be provided to enable distribution of the app. Assuming you’ve already created your devices in the Devices page, you can link your provisioning profile to some/all of them.

  • Navigate to the details page of the provisioning profile required.
  • Under the Devices section start searching for a created device
  • Select the required device. (The same device can only be added once)

1.4 Keystores

  • Navigate to the Keystores page and click on the “+” icon
  • Populate the fields with the required data. Mandatory fields include the Name and Alias.
  • The Keystore password field and the alias password field are optional and only visible to the ONS_Admin role.
  •  (Optional) Upload your keystore files in the Attachments section.

  • Navigate to the details page of the keystore required.
  • Under the Watchers section start searching for a user
  • Select the required user. (The same user can only be added once)

Unlike Apple provisioning profiles, Keystores can be linked to multiple Android mobile apps:

  • Navigate to the details page of the keystore required.
  • Under the Linked Apps section start searching for mobile apps.
  • Select the app. (The same app can only be added once)

1.5 Devices

  • Navigate to the Devices page and click on the “+” icon
  • Populate the fields with the required data. Mandatory fields include the Name, Device Identifier, Operating Systems and Device Type.
  • The Keystore password field and the alias password field are optional and only visible to the ONS_Admin role.
  •  (Optional) Upload your device related files in the Attachments section.

  • Navigate to the details page of the device required.
  • Under the Owners section start searching for users.
  • Select the user. (The same user can only be added once)

2. Roles

  • ONS_Admin: Read and write access to all aspects of the portal including the optional certificate passwords, keystore passwords and keystore alias passwords.
  • ONS_User: Read access to all aspects of the portal excluding the optional certificate passwords, keystore passwords and keystore alias passwords. This role also prevents its user from accessing the global settings page.

3. Emails

Watchers of Certificates, Provisioning Profiles and Keystores will receive email notifications when any of their resources approach expiry. A daily email is sent out which provides a consolidated view of all resources that have expired/will expire within the configured threshold (30 days by default). This value is configurable via the ExpiryThreshold Site Property in the NativeStore_CS module in the Native Store application.