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Digital Identity Verification

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 28 June 2022 by 
OutSystems Lab
 (2 ratings)

Digital Identity Verification



This component encapsulates an identity verification workflow, helping you to provide a modern customer on-boarding experience in your application.

Setting up

In order to use this component, you are required to setup your AWS account:

Create an AWS account

Then you’re required to create the AWS credentials (IAM) to be used in your application.
⚠ You should never use the master credentials in your applications.

Create an IAM user

Services in AWS, such as Amazon Rekognition, require that you provide credentials when you access them. This is so that the service can determine whether you have permissions to access the resources owned by that service.
To use this accelerator, the user that you will create is required to have:
  • Programmatic access
  • And permissions to use the Amazon Rekognition service
  • Now you will be able to get the Access key and Secret access key, required to use this component
🛈 You can also follow the 🔗 Amazon documentation guide, to set up this user.

Using the component

This component contains several blocks to accelerate your development, being the main one CompareFaces.
This block is the flow to take a picture to the document and a selfie, and compare both faces. Accepting or requiring the user to take new pictures in the case that similarity between the face in the document and in the selfie are below a given threshold.
This block is divided in different sub-areas, that will be displayed to the end user in different moments.This sub-areas, have placeholders that are bootstrapped with the default messages and images to provide a good user experience (that you can change to better fit your use case).
Below, you can also see the order in which each area is displayed:
BThis is where you’ll invite the user to take a picture of the document. Upon taking the picture, it moves to C.
CThis is where you’ll invite the user to take a picture of himself. Upon taking the picture, it moves to E.
EThis is what you’ll show to the user, while the service of the Amazon is invoked and while processing the results. Depending on the result of the call it will go to D or A(+B).
DIn case the faces match, this is the message shown to the user.
AIn case the faces don’t match, this is the message that will be shown to the user, while the UI returns to point B.

Let’s use it

Creating your own flow

Since you might want to design your flow differently, you can use the following blocks that enable you to create the flow in the way that you want.
TakePhotoThis block enables you to easily capture a picture from the user. This block is used to create B and C in the accelerator.
PhotosValidationThis block is the one that does invoke the Amazon Rekognition service. While the call is ongoing, it will display a loading (the content of the placeholders). This block is used to create D and E in the accelerator.