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BDD Framework Reporting Reactive

Stable version 1.4.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 28 February 2022 by 
 (1 rating)

BDD Framework Reporting Reactive


BDD Framework Reporting

Installation and configuration steps

Afer installing the component from the forge perform these steps

Configure the endpoint for the BDD Framework Rest api

  1. In ServiceCenter navigate to module BDDFramework_IS and open the integrations tab
  2. Open the integrations tab and open the BDDFrameworkV1 REST API
  3. Set the effective url to your environement's base url e.g. the TestSuiteRunsWeeksToKeep Site property effective value
    • In ServiceCenter open module BDDFrameworkReporting_CS
    • Go to siteproperties and open site property TestSuiteRunsWeeksToKeep
    • Default the testrun reports are kept 4 weeks change this value to your needs.

Set the timer schedule for Timer_QueueSuitesToProcess

  1. In service center open module BDDFrameworkReporting_BL
  2. Go to timers and open the details page for Timer_QueueSuitesToProcess
  3. Adjust the default schedule to your needs

Grant access to the application

You'll need to have the BDDFrameworkReportingUser role to be able to access the application. You can configure this in the users application.

Maintaining testsuites

To maintain the testsuites open the Testsuitelist and add or edit a testsuite. By setting the Is Active to false the test suite will be excluded from execution.