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Document Signing

version 0.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 03 February 2022 by 
OutSystems Lab
 (1 rating)

Document Signing


Get Started

  1. Check dependencies: In order for this accelerator and demo to correctly work, you'll need to install the DocuSign 2.1 APIs Forge asset
  2. Configure DocuSign credentials: Follow the steps described in the documentation of the DocuSign 2.1 APIs asset, installed in the previous step
  3. Try the demo: Go to the Demo screen and try it out. You will need to login, anonymous document signing is not available. Inspect the code to understand how it works and how it can be used in your app.

Technical Overview

  • Document_Sign block
    • Aims to abstract the process of initiating the signing process by offering a simple UI pattern to show document data and server-side logic to send the request to sign
  • Document_EmbeddedSign block
    • Aims to abstract the process of signing a document in-app using the embedded signing feature from DocuSign


  • The user signing the document does not have a valid email
    • In order to use this demo the user should be logged in. If you log in with a user that does not have an email configured or the email is not valid this message will appear.
      Go to the Users app and check if the logged in user as a valid email set.
  • DocumentId/EnvelopeId/DocumentSigner cannot be empty/null
    • This issue appears when validating the data to start the signing process.
      If in the validation checks one of these parameters are empty or null this message will appear.
      Go to the DocumentSigning module and debug both validation actions to understand where the null values are coming from.
      As a helper, EnvelopeId, DocumentId and Signer are mandatory and should always be filled with valid values.
  • Envelope with given document is not sent and therefore it cannot be signed
    • To proceed to the embedded signing process the document must have been sent beforehand and have its status set as "Sent".
      This message appears if that process wasn't completed.
      In your DocuSign Developer account, go to "My Apps & Keys" Dashboard to check for errors regarding the specific envelope that was created for the document
  • HTTP Errors (400, 401, 503, ...)
    • Error messages with HTTP Codes mean that something in the request was not properly built.
      Check DocuSign's developer dashboard or set go to Service Center and in the DocuSign 2.1 APIs Integrations, set the Log Level to "Troubleshoot" to get more details