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Multilingual Video Interaction

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 07 July 2022 by 
 (5 ratings)

Multilingual Video Interaction


The Multilingual Video Chat accelerator adds live captioning, translation, and text-to-speech to video calls in OutSystems Applications. 

The accelerator provides a MultilingualVideoChat_CW module that contains three main blocks

  • CallStart. CallStart leverages Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to transport video and audio between participants. Use the CallStart block to start a video call.

  • CallJoin. CallJoin also leverages Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to transport video and audio between participants. Use CallJoin to join the existing video call.

  • TranscriptionPanel. TranscriptionPanel, uses Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Translate and Amazon Polly services to transcribe the video call audio, translate it and synthesize this translation into voice.

How to use the accelerator

To start using this component, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the Multilingual Video Chat in Service Studio, and add it to your application.

  2. Configure the Authentication through the Site Properties in Service Center to be able to connect to the Amazon services.

1. In the Service Studio

  1. Install the Multilingual Video Chat from the Forge in your environment.

  2. Add the MultilingualVideoChat_CW and the MultilingualVideoChat_CS as dependencies to your app:

CallStart page

To add the Call Start to your application:

  1. Start by creating a new screen, adding two columns to your screen, and adding the blocks CallStart and TranscriptionPanel.

2. The TranscriptionPanel will prompt for the GUID of the video call. This GUID gets automatically generated by the CallStart block, and you can fetch it on the VideoCall event.

3. Store it in a variable and assign this variable to the TranscriptionPanel input parameter.

4. Fill in the remaining parameters for the Transcription Panel:

  • The UserTypeId parameter identifies if the video call participant is the call creator. For this screen, set the Entities.UserType.Caller value.

  • The flag ParticipantHasJoined, should be set to True when the video call peer joins it. The CallStart block signalizes it on the ParticipantJoined event.

CallJoin page

The procedure for creating the page to join a video call is very similar to the CallStart procedure: 

  1. Start by creating a new screen, adding two columns to your screen, and adding the blocks CallJoin and TranscriptionPanel.

2. Both blocks will prompt for the GUID of the call. This GUID must match the one generated in the CallStart screen.  Add a page input parameter to receive this value and assign this value to the input parameters.

3. On the TranscriptionPanel block set the remaining parameters:

  • UserTypeId parameter to Entities.UserType.Participant

  • Finally, the flag ParticipantHasJoined, should be set to True when the video call peer joins it. The CallStart block signalizes it on the ParticipantJoined event.

2. Authentication

To configure the accelerator to access Amazon services, you need the following AWS authentication information:

  • AWS access key ID

  • Secret access key of your AWS access key

  • AWS Region of the service endpoint to which you want to connect. To reduce latency, choose a region close to your application server. See the API documentation for a list of region names.

To use the above information and authenticate to AWS services:

  1. In the Service Center, in the Factory tab, search for the Video Call Validator app and open it.

  2. Inside the app, open the MultilingualVideoChat_Lib(service) module.

  3. Go to the Site Properties tab and add the Site Properties for:

  • Amazon_AccessKey

  • Amazon_SecretKey

  • Amazon_Region

With these steps, you will have a simple app with multilanguage video call capability. For details of a working video call app, check the sample app.


This connector depends on the following Forge components:

  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Connector: Used for setting up Kinesis Video Streams signaling channels. Also, for creating pre-signed URLs used by each client to start the video call.

  • Amazon Translate: Used on translating the video call transcription with Amazon Translate.

  • AWS Polly Connector: Responsible for integrating with Amazon Polly service for text-to-speech capabilities.

  • AWS Transcribe Connector: Component employed on generating pre-signed URLs used for audio stream transcription by Amazon Transcribe.

Accelerator detailed description

This accelerator consists of 3 modules:

  • MultilingualVideoChat_CW: Front-end module comprised of the blocks for starting, joining, and transcribing video calls 

  • MultilingualVideoChat_Lib: Services module that manages configuration parameters (e.g. AWS authentication keys)

  • MultilingualVideoChat_CS: Services module containing entities and wrappers for interactions with AWS connectors

Public blocks


Block used to join an existing video call

Input parameter

  • GUID (Text): GUID that identifies the video call to join


  • CallStarted: The participant has clicked the button for joining the call

  • CallEnded: The participant has clicked the button to exit a call

  • Error: Dispatched whenever an error occurs on a video call starting/ending

  • ParticipantJoined: The video call peers are connected

  • ParticipantLeft: The video call peer leaves the call

  • VideoPlayerInfo: Event that emits the id of the video call HTML elements


Block used to start a new video call


  • CallStarted: The participant has clicked the button for joining the call

  • CallEnded: The participant has clicked the button to exit a call

  • Error: Dispatched whenever an error occurs on a video call starting/ending

  • ParticipantJoined: The video call peer joined the video call

  • ParticipantLeft: The video call peer left the video call

  • VideoCall: Emits the video call GUID

  • VideoPlayerInfo: Event that emits the id of the video call HTML elements


Block responsible for transcribing the sound, translating the text, and synthesizing voice on top of the video call

Input parameters

  • GUID (Text): GUID that identifies the video call to join

  • UserTypeId (UserType Record): Identifier of the type of user currently viewing the video call (Caller or Participant)

  • ParticipantHasJoined (Boolean): Flag indicating if the video call peer has already joined the call. If True, the video call transcription starts

  • VocabularyName: Name of the vocabulary used on video call transcribing. Check the [AWS documentation] ( ) for more details


  • Polly: The participant has activated the video call text-to-speech capabilities using Amazon Polly

Public Entities


Contains logs of all video calls handled by the accelerator.

  • Id (Integer): Identifier of the call record

  • GUID (Text): GUID associated with the video call

  • Caller (Text): Name of the user that started the conversation

  • Receiver (Text): Name of the user participating in the conversation

  • CallStatusId (CallStatus identifier): Current status of the video call

  • StartedOn (Date time): Video call starting date

  • EndedOn (Date time): Video call ending date

  • CallerLanguageCode (Language identifier): Identifier of the language set by the video call creator

  • ReceiverLanguageCode (Language identifier): Identifier of the language defined by the video call receiver


Stores the list of messages transcribed in a conversation.

  • Id (Integer): Identifier of the message record

  • Message (Text): Transcribed content of the message

  • MessageTranslation (Text): Translation of the message text content

  • SenderName (Text): Name of the user associated with the message

  • VideoCallId (VideoCall identifier): Identifier of the video call the message belongs to

  • SentAt (Date time): Message sending date

  • UserTypeId (UserType identifier): Indicates if the message got transcribed from the call creator or participant

  • Is_Active (Boolean): Flag indicating if the record is active


The static entity with all the possible statuses of a video call. The possible values are:

  • Waiting: The call got created, but the peer hasn't joined yet

  • OnGoing: Both participants started chatting in the video call

  • Ended: The call creator left the video call


The static entity with the languages currently supported by this component. It contains the intersection between the Amazon Transcribe (streaming service), Amazon Translate and Amazon Polly supported languages list.

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • German

  • English (US/British/Australian)

  • Spanish (US)

  • French (French/Canadian)

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)


The static entity with types of users in a video call. The existing values are:

  • Caller: Users that create video calls

  • Participant: Users joining created video calls

How this application interacts with Amazon Services

The diagram below illustrates the flow of the information in this accelerator.

AWS Permissions

For this accelerator to work properly the AWS user used for authentication in the several AWWS services will need this set of permissions: