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ISBN Validator

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 27 April 2022 by 
 (2 ratings)

ISBN Validator


Public Server Actions:

  • CheckISBN13 - Receives a text input (may include hyphens or spaces but no other chars) and returns True if it is a valid ISBN13 number. If it's valid, also returns a text with only the 13 digits of a valid ISBN-13 (removes the hyphens and/or spaces).

  • ISBN10ToISBN13 - Receives a text input (may include hyphens or spaces but no other chars) and convert the first 9 digits of a 10 digit ISBN to a 13 digit ISBN text output . Returns a text with only the 13 digits or returns NullTextIdentifier if it can't be converted to a valid ISBN-13. This action is also a function. Since ISBN-10 accepts X as the last digit, if that is the case, just replace X by 0 before trying to convert.

  • GetBookDetailsFromOpenLibrary - Receives a text input and, if a valid ISBN-13 is given, calls an API from Open Library, returning its Book Details in a structure with several attributes. Has exception handling for invalid ISBN-13 and for API's empty response (no details found).

Auxiliary Server Actions:

  • IntListToString - Converts a list of integers to a string.

  • StringToIntList - Converts a string to a list of integers. Ignores hyphens and spaces, but returns an empty list if other char is found.