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WhatsApp API - Send Message and Media

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 11 December 2022 by 
 (1 rating)

WhatsApp API - Send Message and Media


Test it here and see how it works: Link

Documentation for sending messages

Shipping Methods

1. Text Messages

2. Media Messages


Important Notes

To get the API token, go to TOKENS and your token will be there, without it it will not be possible to send messages.

The sending number must not have a mask or special characters and must consist of:

Country code - Ex: 55 (Brazil)

area code


1. Text Messages

Below is a list of information needed to send text messages:

URL: https://apidolar.robodedolares.com.br/api/messages/send

Method: POST

Headers: Authorization: Bearer (token) and Content-Type application/json

Body: "number": "5599999999999", "body": "Sent via api"

2. Media Messages

Below is a list of information needed to send media:

URL: https://apidolar.robodedolares.com.br/api/messages/send

Method: POST

Headers: Authorization: Bearer (token) and Content-Type multipart/form-data

Body: "number": "5599999999999", "medias": "here goes your media", "body": "Sent via api"