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CRM Integration (with Capsule CRM)

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 June 2023 by 
 (0 ratings)

CRM Integration (with Capsule CRM)


To be updated.
I will soon add the steps for configuring Capsule and getting the token.


Creating a Capsule Account 

Capsule allows you to create a free account and start using their tool. 

  1. Go to and click on Try Free button. 
  2. Select the Free Option and finish the signup procedure

Generating Token

  1. Go to "My Preferences" and click on API Authentication Tokens
  2. Click on Generate First API Token
  3. Define a description and the scope
    Note: I advise you to check the flag to allow CRUD operations as well.

  4. Click on Generate Token
  5. Copy this information as we will use it on our app. 

Installing and Configuring the component

  1. After install the component from Forge, go to Service Center >> Facture >> Modules >> CRMIntegration >> Site Properties and add the token

You're good to go!