BLE Plugin

BLE Plugin (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.1 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 29 October 2022 by NTT DATA PORTUGAL, S.A
BLE Plugin

BLE Plugin (ODC)


Available Actions:

  • CheckBluetoothEnabled - Check if the bluetooth is enabled in the device
  • CheckConnection - Check connection to a BLE device
  • Scan - Scan LTE devices that are in the range of your device
  • Connect - Connect to a BLE device
  • Read - Read a specific characteristic of a service from a device
  • Write - Write a specific characteristic of a service from a device
  • WriteMultiple - Write multiple bytes to a specific characteristic of a service from a device
  • WriteWithoutResponse - Write multiple bytes to a specific characteristic of a service from a device without waiting for the response from the device
  • CheckSignalStrength - Check the signal strength of a BLE device
  • Disconnect - Action to disconnect to a BLE device

Available Blocks:

  • BluetoothListener - Listener to receive change from Bluetooth (on, off, ...)
  • Listener - Listener to receive change from characteristics in services from a device