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Auto Logout

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 December 2023 by 
 (0 ratings)

Auto Logout


1. Drag the block to your screen or block (usually the layout, if you want for it to be applied to multiple screens using that layout)

2. Fill in the inputs according to your use case:

  • Title: Title of the popup
  • Description: Description of the popup
  • ButtonTextStay: Label of the button of the button for the user to stay logged-in
  • ButtonTextLogout: Label of the button for the user to be logged out
  • ShowPopupTimeout: Time in seconds after that a popup will show up and display a count down with a message and a cancel button
  • PopupTimeout: Time in seconds after that a and the Logout event will be triggered (the user will be logged out by the handler of this event)

2.1. In case you are supporting a multilingual application, add the multilingual translations for the Title, Description, ButtonTextStay and ButtonTextLogout attributes.

3. Add CSS to your theme to have the popup look how you want it. You can use the CSS in the Demo as a base to get already a good standard look & feel.